EndDD.org Presentation Opens Students Eyes to Dangers of Distracted Driving

At last Friday's sophomore and junior Class Meetings, Delcastle students had the opportunity to hear from Jim Feldman of EndDD.org, an organization dedicated to ending distracted driving. The presentation aimed to educate students on the dangers of distracted driving and the importance of not being distracted while behind the wheel. Mr. Feldman shared that he started EndDD.org after losing his daughter to a distracted driver. 

Distracted driving is a growing concern in today's society, as technology and the need for constant connection continue to increase. From texting and using social media to adjusting the radio and eating, distracted driving can be anything that takes a driver's attention away from the road. The end result of distracted driving is often tragic, with thousands of lives lost each year due to accidents caused by a driver who was not paying attention.

During the presentation, Mr. Feldman shared stories and statistics to help illustrate the impact of distracted driving on our communities. He emphasized the fact that distracted driving is 100% preventable and that it is the responsibility of each and every driver to pay attention and stay focused while behind the wheel.

Our Delcastle sophomores and juniors were particularly impacted by the information presented during the presentation. Junior Arian Santos shared his thoughts, saying, "I hope that my classmates learned the power of being the difference maker because a lot of people think that they’re experienced and that they know themselves well and that they’re safe when if everyone is thinking that to themselves and trusting themselves there really is no difference made and then all the people who are self-proclaimed safe drivers really aren’t."

Arian also highlighted the importance of the presentation in helping students understand the reality of distracted driving, adding, "I think the End Distracted Driving information was important to help show the reality of how distracted drivers affect our world and the terror of distracted driving to really make our students of Delcastle aware of the whole situation."

Sophomore Juliana Mulrooney echoed these sentiments. "I hope that my classmates learned that it is very important to pay attention when you're driving because whenever you get into the car you're putting yourself at risk and others on the road so limiting any distractions will lower the chances of something tragic happening."