"Rock Your Socks" Day on Tuesday, March 21

Delcastle Technical High is proud to announce its participation in the "Rock Your Socks" event on March 21, 2023. This event is held to raise awareness and show support for individuals with Down Syndrome, a genetic condition that affects approximately 1 in 700 babies born in the United States.

The "Rock Your Socks" event is a fun and simple way to show support for the cause. Participants are encouraged to wear brightly colored, mismatched or patterned socks, as a way to draw attention to the cause and spark conversations about Down Syndrome. By wearing socks that don't match, participants are symbolically representing the extra chromosome that causes Down Syndrome.

The event is organized by the National Down Syndrome Society, a nonprofit organization that aims to increase public awareness and understanding of Down Syndrome. The society also provides support and resources for individuals with Down Syndrome and their families.

Delcastle Technical High's participation in the event is a way to show support for the community and promote inclusion and acceptance. The school encourages all students, staff, and faculty to participate in the event by wearing their favorite colorful socks on March 21, 2023.

The "Rock Your Socks" event has grown in popularity over the years and has become a fun and meaningful way to show support for the Down Syndrome community. By participating in the event, Delcastle Technical High is joining a national movement that aims to promote understanding, acceptance, and inclusion for all individuals, regardless of their abilities.