Delcastle Celebrates #CTEMonth We have 33 different career-technical teachers in 23 various career areas plus a full-time cooperative education coordinator who all work with our students every day to S.E.T. them up for success!
Leading Ladies Give Back in Sock Drive Our Leading Ladies were recently featured in NASSP. Check out their nationally-trending story here!
Cougar Leaders Attend LEAD National Conference in Washington, D.C. Delcastle Student Leaders Shine at NASSP LEAD Conference.
Mr. Tim Dorsey named Teacher of the Year by American Chemical Society NCCVT and Delcastle Teacher of the Year, Mr. Tim Dorsey, continues to demonstrate how Delcastle works hard to S.E.T. students up for success every day.
Delcastle Unveils New E.V. Charging Stations The first high school in Delaware and one of the few in the U.S. to have Electric Vehicle charging stations, Delcastle is leading the way in sustainable technology.
Picture Day: Tuesday, September 5th Picture Day for 9th, 10th, and 11th graders will be in the Delcastle Auditorium on Tuesday, 09/05. Click Here to view more information from Legacy Studios.
Graduation 101: Tickets Required The Commencement Ceremony for the Delcastle Class of 2024 will be Wednesday, May 29, 1:30 p.m. at University of Delaware Bob Carpenter Center.
Acceptance Day for Class of 2028 Saturday, April 13. Last Names A-L, 8:30-10:00am; Last Names M-Z, 10:30-12:00pm. Bring your calculator!
! Update ! Schedule Changes for End of 1st Semester and Exams Updated 01/16 in response to the snow day.
After School Activities Cancelled for Tuesday, 01/09 All students will be dismissed at 2:59 p.m. on Tuesday, January 9th. There are no after-school activities.