SATs on Wednesday, March 22 for Junior Class of 2024 Read the latest updates on how to be successful on your SATs!
"Rock Your Socks" Day on Tuesday, March 21 Every year on March 21, people all around the world come together to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day by wearing brightly colored, mismatched socks. March 21 is symbolic because people with Down syndrome have 3 copies of their 21st chromosome. Socks were chosen because the karyotype of Ds chromosomes actually looks like mismatched socks!
Technical Drafting Students Honored at ACE Mentorship Breakfast Senior Flavio Melquiades-Bahena is the proud recipient of the Gabe Cox Memorial Scholarship.
Teacher of the Year 2024: Tim Dorsey Congratulations to Delcastle's 2024 Teacher of the Year, Tim Dorsey. Learn more about Mr. Dorsey's passion for teaching, favorite memories, and more.
Delcastle Weekly Update: Week of 03/13/2023 FAFSA Completion Night, Prom tickets, and more events in our Weekly Update. Click here to check it out now!
Science Olympiad Team Brings Medals in 5 Events at 2023 State Competition Luis Maleno '23 and Reggie Leon-Ruiz '23, both of our Chem Lab program, earned first place in the Forensics event!
Team Delcastle Heads to ProStart Delaware State Competition 2023 Good luck to our Culinary Arts future chefs as they battle in the Culinary competition in Dover, DE.
Día de Aceptación 2027 ¡Felicitaciones a nuestra nueva Clase de Pumas de 2027! Haga clic aquí para ver el calendario del Día de Aceptación, que es el sábado, 25 de marzo de 2023.
Issue #1 of Trademark, the Student Life Magazine. Check out our February/March 2023 Edition of the return of the Delcastle Trademark! Our first issue presents our various clubs for Activity Period, tips for juniors as they prepare for the SATs, a look at spring sports, and an overview of our SkillsUSA contests.
Cougars Celebrate "SEL Spirit Week," March 6-10 Skills such as Self-Management, Self-Awareness, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Decision Making are brought into focus during SEL Week 2023.