Chromebook User Agreement
As part of our One-to-One Initiative at Delcastle, Hodgson, and St. Georges each student in grades 9 through 12 will use an assigned Chromebook and will be permitted and expected to take the device home to work on assignments and coursework. Students will be able to access the internet from their Chromebook at school and wherever wireless connectivity is available.
The Chromebook provides students with the responsibility and access they need to choose how, when and where they learn. Utilizing a Chromebook will help to expand the learning experience beyond the availability of traditional classroom resources to include interactive lesson capability as well as tools to support productivity and creative expression. The Chromebook is easy to use and can improve the progress of learning for everyone, regardless of age or ability, and provides accessibility to the world’s subject matter anywhere wireless connectivity is available. Providing individual Chromebooks to students empowers them to maximize their full potential in preparation for the workplace and post-secondary pursuits.
Acceptable Use:
New Castle County Vocational Technical School District (NCCVT) considers internet, computer, and Chromebook usage as both a privilege and a necessity for students to bridge the limits of our physical building and to experience enhanced learning; however, the administration, staff, and students agree to follow and adhere to the guidelines set forth by the NCCVT Acceptable Use Policy. The Policy provides general guidelines concerning the use of school computers and other electronic devices and provides examples of prohibited uses. These rules apply to all school computers, all school-provided electronic devices, all school servers, and all internet access and networks, regardless of how or where they are accessed. In addition, NCCVT considers parents and guardians to be vital stewards of our students’ instructional support system, and, as such, we ask parents and guardians to agree to set and follow reasonable guidelines for supervision outside of school.
General Staff Responsibilities:
Staff members in charge of supervising students will monitor student use of the internet and technology to ensure acceptable use and academic focus. Staff members will also attend periodic training and professional development to enhance their understanding of Chromebook function and implementation for use in the classroom to support instruction.
Parent and Guardian Responsibilities:
While the district provides a content filtering solution for the Chromebook, regardless of the device’s location, we ask that parents discuss and establish acceptable use in their homes and hold their children accountable to those expectations.
User Responsibilities:
In order to maintain the privilege of using technology both at home and at school, users must agree to comply with the following:
- Use of school technology must be grounded in academic purpose and align with the objectives and goals of the instructional programs of NCCVT.
- Network accounts and hardware, including school email accounts, Chromebooks, and accessories, are considered school property.
- Users agree to monitoring and supervision, and recognize that NCCVT reserves the right to determine if the use of the network or equipment is consistent with the NCCVT School District and the State’s Acceptable Use Policy.
- Users agree to maintain the software and app configuration of Chromebooks set by NCCVT. Students agree to delete personal data as needed to maintain the storage capability necessary for academics.
- Users must agree to the following codes of acceptable conduct for electronic communications including mobile devices, electronic mail, messaging, social networking, and Web involvement and applications:
- Use of these tools during classes should be for academic purposes only.
- When using these communication tools, users must agree to use extreme caution when revealing information of a personal nature.
- While faculty and students are encouraged to use online portals as extensions of the classroom, those spaces must have appropriate security measures to ensure that membership to that space is limited to the learners involved in the actual classroom environment.
- Teachers agree to monitor student interaction appropriately when students communicate using electronic means as a group (i.e. blogs, discussion boards, etc.)
- Network accounts and Chromebooks are to be used only by the authorized user of the account.
- Students agree to keep their password private.
- Chromebooks should be considered the same as a personal classroom notebook, and students should not allow another student to use their Chromebook for class or for studying.
- Students will care for the hardware and software as tools of learning and will keep them in good working order.
- Food and drink should be kept away from the device.
- Equipment must be kept secure and treated carefully at all times.
- Equipment must be charged nightly in preparation for use the next day.
As responsible users of technology, students, staff, and administration agree that, as outlined in the District’s Acceptable Use Policy, the following are examples of unacceptable uses of technology. Please refer to the Policy for more detailed examples in these areas:
- Access to inappropriate material
- Unlawful purposes, including recording, sharing and/or posting of recorded material, images or audio without former consent of all parties.
- Security violations
The Chromebook comes equipped with both front and rear-facing camera and video capabilities. NCCVT retains the rights concerning any recording and/or publishing of any student or staff member’s work or image. Students must obtain permission via the parent authorization form to publish a photograph or video of any school-related activity. Unauthorized recordings are subject to disciplinary action in accordance with NCCVT policy.
Students are permitted to provide personal headphones to listen to their Chromebooks, and are permitted to use them during breakfast and lunch, and with authorization from the teacher for instructional use in the classroom. In order to maintain this privilege, students must comply with volume levels that are not audible by surrounding audiences, and may not wear headphones or listen to Chromebooks during transitions, emergency drills, or anytime a staff member requests that the Chromebooks be put away.
Violating the Acceptable Use Policy of the school and district may result in, but are not limited to, the following consequences:
- Warning
- Discipline referral
- Parent conference
- Detention
- Loss of technology privileges
- Loss of take-home privileges
- Suspension
- Expulsion
- Referral to law enforcement
Since student Chromebooks are school property, school authorities reserve the right to maintain access to and to search school property at any time with or without suspicion or consent.
The New Castle County Vocational Technical School District will periodically review the acceptable use policies and reserve the right to change the policies to further the academic environment of our school. NCCVT cannot be held accountable for the following:
- All Information accessed or retrieved on the device is subject to review and there should be no assumption of privacy while using the device.
- Privacy of/for electronic communications. System administrators have access to state and district email and have the right to monitor messages. Inappropriate or illegal messages will be reported and punished by the proper authorities.
- Damages users may suffer, including loss of data from delays or service interruptions/malfunctions caused by negligence, errors or omissions. Users agree to use technology, storage and data at their own risk.
- Costs or charges incurred as a result of seeing or accepting information or any costs, liability, or damages caused by the way a user chooses to use his/her access to the network.
- To provide additional student safety the District utilizes a service to help identify high-risk behaviors to prevent school violence, self-harm, and bullying. This reporting is created through advanced machine learning and reports are sent to administration for further review.
Legal Propriety:
Students must be aware of and comply with trademark and copyright laws and all license agreements. Ignorance of the law is not immunity. If a user is unsure, he/she should consult a parent or teacher. Examples of violating legal propriety include, but are not limited to:
- Plagiarism; this is a violation of the NCCVT Student Code of Conduct. Credit must be given to all sources used, whether quoted or summarized. This includes all forms of media on the internet, such as graphics, movies, music, and text.
- Illegal software or media of any kind. The use or possession of hacking software or illegally downloaded media is strictly prohibited. Violation of applicable state or federal law will result in criminal prosecution and/or disciplinary action by the District.
Chromebook Identification:
Student Chromebooks will be labeled by the District. Chromebooks can be identified in the following ways:
- Record of serial number
- Record of Asset ID
- Identifying student information.
At no time should the identification information or school-provided label be modified or removed. Each Chromebook is assigned to an individual, and the responsibility and care of the Chromebook rest solely with that individual. Students are not permitted to ask other students or staff members to hold, store, charge, maintain, or monitor their Chromebook.
Receiving Your Chromebook and Chromebook Check-In:
- Before the Chromebook can be issued to the student, parents and students must previously have:
- signed and returned the Chromebook Policy Agreement
- purchased Chromebook insurance from the District for $25
- Individual school Chromebooks and accessories must be returned to the school at the end of each school year for service and updating. Students who withdraw, are expelled, or terminate enrollment at NCCVT for any reason must return their individual Chromebook on the date of termination or will be charged for full replacement costs of the Chromebook and its accessories.
- If a student fails to return the Chromebook at the end of the school year or upon the termination of enrollment at NCCVT, that student will be subject to criminal prosecution or civil liability. Failure to return the Chromebook will result in a theft report being filed with the Police Department. The student will be responsible for any damage to the Chromebook and must return the device and its accessories to the school in satisfactory condition. Students may be charged a fee for any necessary repairs or replacement, not to exceed the replacement costs of the Chromebook and its accessories.
Insurance Information:
The NCCVTSD understands that an electronic device can be broken and in an effort to keep costs down, have instituted an insurance policy to assist parents with repair and replacement expenses. All families are required to participate in the insurance plan as part of the Chromebook One-to-One Initiative.
- Annual Premium: $25 (Non-Refundable)
- Minor Incident Deductible: 1st Incident: $0 (the insurance covers this incident), 2nd Incident: $25, 3rd Incident: $75.
- Major Incident Deductible: 1st Incident: $100, 2nd Incident: $200, 3rd Incident: $350.
Major and Minor Incident Definitions:
- Minor Incidents are:
- Cracked Screens, when the digitizer is still functional and pieces of glass are not missing or completely destroyed. Students are encouraged to report the FIRST crack of a screen, as damage will progress if left for a period of months and will likely progress to the Major Incident cost level.
- Theft occurring off of school grounds, with a police report.
- Fire, flood, or natural disaster.
- Major Incidents include those that require a complete replacement of the Chromebook and may include:
- Cracked Screens, where the digitizer is also broken, glass is missing, or the whole Chromebook needs to be replaced.
- Water Damage
Not Covered:
The following items are not covered under the policy:
- Loss of the charging cord.
- Loss of the device
- Theft that occurs when Chromebook is:
- On school grounds and it is not reported immediately to teacher or administration.
- Left in unlocked area or vehicle
- Left in an unsecured bookbag
The cost to replace a Chromebook that is lost or damaged through misuse or negligence and, therefore, not covered by the district insurance policy will be $350.00.
Other replacement costs are as follows:
- Charger: $25.00
- All cords are issued in new condition. Students will be charged $10 for the replacement of frayed cords as they are not transferable to another student.
Insurance Payment Collection:
Insurance forms and the annual $25 fee are due on or before September 11th, 2022. Late fees are as follows:
- 9/12 until 9/18 – $35
- 9/19 until 9/25 – $45
- 9/26 until 10/2 – $55
Click here for instructions for making the electronic payment.
Students with current Chromebook financial obligations will not be permitted to receive a Chromebook, attend Homecoming, Prom, or participate in athletics or student activities until their outstanding financial obligation has been cleared, or until a payment plan has been approved and is maintained in good standing.
If your Chromebook fails to work or is damaged, report the problem to school personnel, School Instructional Technology Coach or Assistant Principal who supervises the 1:1 program. To receive the repaired item, the student will be required to pay the deductible amount. The damaged Chromebook, or a police report if theft off of school grounds has occurred, must be presented. Theft must be reported to the Student Advisor’s Office and the Student Resource Officer immediately. In case of damage, an effort will be made to provide a temporary replacement until the Chromebook is repaired.
Storing and Protecting Your Chromebook
Storing the Chromebook:
- Students are welcomed and encouraged to take their Chromebooks home daily.
- A Chromebook must not be left unattended. When not able to be in the student’s personal possession, the Chromebook should be secured with a lock in the student’s locker.
- Chromebooks should not be stored in a vehicle at home or at school or exposed to long-term temperature extremes or direct sunlight.
- The Chromebook comes with ports for charging and other accessories. Student-issued Chromebook accessories are the responsibility of the student.
- The Chromebook must be kept free of stickers, writing, painting, or other forms of adornment. Chromebooks that are personalized or otherwise altered will be charged a minimum of $40 for cleaning at the end of the year. If the device cannot be cleaned the full cost of the device will be due.
- Chromebooks should be kept charged at all times.
Caring for the Chromebook:
- Care must be exercised when handling the Chromebook. Do not place a Chromebook in a bag that contains food, liquid, or heavy or sharp objects.
- Do not throw or slide a Chromebook or a bag containing one.
- Do not stack books or other heavy items on top of the Chromebook.
- Only use a clean, soft cloth to clean the screen, and never use cleansers of any type. If cleaning the screen, only use Ammonia free LCD cleaner and avoid getting any moisture into the openings or keyboard.
Using the Chromebook at School:
- Students are responsible for bringing the Chromebook to all daily classes. Chromebooks must be fully charged at home overnight and ready for use during each school day. Staff members are not responsible to provide charging opportunities or equipment to students.
- Students are responsible for getting the coursework completed whether or not the Chromebook or the network is working or available. Chromebook malfunctions are not acceptable excuses for failure to submit work, and NCCVT is not responsible for lost or missing data. Students are responsible for backing up their work via Google Drive, Schoology, or by other acceptable means.
- Sound must be muted at all times unless permission is obtained from the teacher for instructional purposes.
- Instructors maintain the right to determine Chromebook use in the classroom. Failure to abide by teacher direction regarding Chromebook use will result in disciplinary action and may jeopardize Chromebook privileges.